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Thai Green Curry


I don't take credit for this recipe, but I've modified and clarified here and there. The vegetable recommendations are my personal addition, and obviously anything goes well with this incredible sauce. If you don't like green chilis, you can use red curry, masaman curry, etc., whatever you can find. Most of these curries are ~50% chili.
2 tbsp
1 tbsp
1-2 stalks
14 oz. (1 can)
1 stalk
1 tbsp

1 lb.
1 can

6 oz.
green curry paste (comes in a can)
brown sugar
lemongrass (cut/smash into small pieces)
lime leaves (opt.)
lime juice
coconut milk
soy sauce (opt.)
chopped coriander (opt.)
purple basil (opt.)
vegetable oil

chicken breast
bamboo shoots (whole or cut into large chunks so that you can see the segment lines - not the small slices)
mushrooms (button or dried)
snow peas

:: 1 :: Heat oil and then add in curry paste, brown sugar, and lemongrass; cook at high heat.

:: 2 :: Add in chicken and lime leaves and sequentially add vegetables according to how long they need to cook to desired softness. Keep at a boil.

:: 3 :: Add coconut milk and soy sauce (if using) and lower heat. The sauce may take some time to reach its final consistency; watch until it is thick and uniform.

:: 4 :: At the end, add basil, coriander, and lime juice, and stir.